Celebrate the Birth of Talk Chineasy

Since 2013, my journey with Chineasy continues to grow and evolve as my team and I discover more innovative ways to introduce this beautiful language to more people. Starting with books and my visual methodology, I’m proud to help people learn that Chinese can be easy and meaningful through learning its etymology. Of course, as is the concern with most Chinese learners, being able to read and write Chinese is only one side of the learning curve.
A simple poll within our Chinese learning community found nearly 70% of them ranked “basic conversations” and “cultural insights” as important learning goals. My friends in the various industries also expressed interest in learning relevant Chinese phrases that they can use at work.
This is why I brought Talk Chineasy to life. Talk Chineasy is an educational podcast in which you can learn Chinese with ease in just 7 minutes each day. In each episode, I will introduce a Chinese word or sentence that is frequently used in daily life, emphasizing the proper tone (one thing many learners find difficult!) and many bonus words you can use in similar situations. After one year, you’ll be able to master and learn more than 365 useful Chinese phrases.
Talk Chineasy is the only language podcast that teaches you useful Chinese phrases through relevant conversations with industry experts, world leading influencers, and Chinese learners from all walks of life.
One thing that makes Talk Chineasy unique is our special guests. Our high-profiled guests range from economists, educators, doctors, artists, tech-pioneers, professors to entrepreneurs who learn Chinese phrases that they can use in everyday life. For example, Arianna Huffington from Thrive Global and the Huffington Post learns how to say “sleep” in Chinese. We have MIT professor in digital economy Erik Brynjolfsson who learns “Robot” and “Computer” in Chinese. We also invited Duolingo Founder Luis von Ahn, Facebook Product Director Erick Tseng, Hyperloop One’s VP Strategic Communications Bruce Upbin, just to name a few.
When you listen to Talk Chineasy, you’re not just learning the stories behind the Chinese characters, but also the stories behind these amazing people. Everyone is speaking or learning Chinese!
I believe Talk Chineasy is for anyone, no matter your level of proficiency in Chinese. My friend’s daughter uses it to learn useful Chinese she can say when she goes on a business trip to China. My colleague listens to Talk Chineasy with her son everyday to learn basic Chinese. A curious student can listen to Talk Chineasy not only to learn Chinese, but also to enjoy the conversations with industry experts and their take on stories and new innovation.
You can now listen to Talk Chineasy on-the-go or comfortably at home with your family. It is available through iTunes and Amazon Echo US. For the avid Chinese learner, visit our Talk Chineasy website to see detailed show notes for each episode. We highlight profiles of our guests and detailed pronunciation information of each word I taught in the show. The learning doesn’t stop there, as I’ve compiled exclusive content and useful worksheets to complement the Talk Chineasy podcast. Check out how and why you should become a Golden Chineasian!
Through Talk Chineasy, Chineasy and I will carry on the mission to bridge the gap between the East and the West by breaking down the Great Wall of Chinese language and revolutionizing how people learn Chinese, one sentence at a time. I hope you’ll like it!